Monday, May 16, 2011

The miracle of cell phones

Cell phones are a real treat for my generation. We can play games, post on Facebook, text, call, take pictures, upload compressed music files, and have 24/7 access to our friends. We can also search in the music section for some new sounds.
I'm sure everyone has heard of Herbie Hancock, and how ashamed I am to mention that until last night, I had not. A rather eclectic man, this comes through all the more in his music. Searching him in the Bing app on my phone (which really isn't supposed to be able to do that), brought up a tune from my freshman year in the marching band: Chameleon. This song was challenging to march to and play if I am recalling correctly, but a thrill to hear coming together. Later in the year, we played another gem at Eastern Michigan University: Birdland. What a dream to play! I cannot give my review on the difficulty of marching this song would require as we were simply standing in the standard EMU position: a giant EMU, no less.

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